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Guard War Games

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Guard War Games 2
Position in Order:

Board of Directors-President

Cyber Glory Portal Keeper/Webmaster, 

Date you joined the order:

August, 2009


When did you discover your calling?

I was incarcerated at a younger age during this time I came to terms with my sexuality and learned as much as I could about it. During this time I knew that I wanted to do something for the LGBT community to help those that wanted to come out, to come out and have an easier time doing it. Along with making it easier for them. I wanted to help those that were already out to achieve equality and be comfortable with who they were. When I was released I found out about the sisters and almost immediately started learning about them and their mission. I loved the idea so much my partner at the time (husband now) both joined at the same time.

Why did you join?

See discover your calling.

Religious beliefs:

Was born and raised Catholic, still hold most of those beliefs but consider myself Christian.

Goals and Aspirations:

To help achieve equality for ALL!

Rules by which I live:

Karma is a b. Treat others the way you want to be treated if not better.

Favorite Quotes:

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Wayne Dyer

The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there. ~Lesley P. Hartley, The Go-Between, 1953



Sister Unity Devine, all of those who fought for equality and gave their life for it. Harvey Milk, Matthew Shepard just to name a few.

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